PMI Hudson Property Management : Featured member of the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce
This month PMI Hudson Property Management is being showcased as a featured member of the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce:
The Voice of Business in Yonkers since 1893
The Yonkers Chamber of Commerce is the city’s voice of business, aggressively promoting measures and issues in the interest of conducting business in the city and working against anything that impairs or threatens the vitality of doing so. At every turn, the Chamber advocates and initiates programs designed to enhance the image of Yonkers and stimulate the marketing of Yonkers-based products and services. The Chamber actively "partners" with various government entities and business organizations to form a powerful network extending into every segment of business society.
Being a member of the Yonkers Chamber of Commerce is a great way to network with other members at their monthly social gathering. These informative gatherings are held in the morning at different venues throughout the city and are sponsored by our Chamber members. There is usually a guest speaker followed by each member having the opportunity to promote their business